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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-10-10 |  來源:中國網(wǎng) |  責(zé)任編輯:趙嬙


We first received feasibility studies from a Canadian company and then from a Danish company. Both of these companies recommended the construction of this port, and it was not as if these feasibility studies were done by Sri Lankans or the Chinese. But no insinuation could be made that the feasibility studies were done in order to construct the harbor. 


磐石市| 永仁县| 黑水县| 兴海县| 博乐市| 醴陵市| 陈巴尔虎旗| 绥德县| 镇赉县| 固始县| 独山县| 图木舒克市| 郓城县| 舞阳县| 寿阳县| 合山市| 保定市| 怀集县| 乌兰察布市| 台湾省| 新巴尔虎左旗| 南雄市| 博乐市| 河间市| 泉州市| 湖北省| 黄石市| 彭州市| 康平县| 略阳县| 清河县| 大竹县| 海盐县| 东阿县| 巴楚县| 张家川| 南江县| 陵川县| 库尔勒市| 会泽县|